GPSC Class 1-2 Official Answer Keys
- GPSC Class 1-2 Exam - New Pattern 2014
- Educational Qualification
- Age Limit
20 to 35 (Relaxation: ST/SC/OBC – 5 years, physically challenged – 10 Years, Female – 5 years)
- Examination Scheme
- Preliminary Exam
- Main Exam
- Interview
- Preliminary Exam (Objective type)
- Gujarati & English (75 + 75) - 150 Marks
- Reasoning & Quantitative Test (75 + 75) - 150 Marks
- General Studies - 200 Marks
- Read more details here...
- Main Exam (5 papers)
- English (Descriptive) - 100 Marks
- Gujarati (Descriptive) - 200 Marks
- Optional Subject (Descriptive) - 200 Marks
- General Studies Paper 1 (Objective) - 200 Marks
- General Studies Paper 2 (Objective) - 200 Marks
- View detailed syllabus and more details here
Subject List for Main Exam:
1. Mathematics
2. Statistics
3. Physics
4. Chemistry
5. Botany
6. Zoology
7. Geology
8. Geography
9. History
10. Management
11. Economics
12. Political Science & International Relation
13. Philosophy
14. Psychology
15. Sociology
16. Public Administration
17. Commerce and Accountancy
18. Law
19. Agriculture
20. Civil Engineering
21. Electrical Engineering
22. Mechanical Engineering
23. Medical Science
24. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
25. Gujarati Literature
26. Hindi Literature
27. English Literature
28. Sanskrit Literature